What Are the New Player Traits in FIFA 21? Player Traits Analysis

I’m sure many of you are curious about the new player traits in FIFA 21. As a new feature added this year, what makes it special? Below, I’ll provide an analysis of the player traits in FIFA 21. Let’s take a look together!
What Are the New Player Traits in FIFA 21? Player Traits Analysis

FIFA 21 Player Traits Analysis

New Player Traits
To ensure that world-class players can showcase their talents in all aspects, just like in real life, FIFA 21 has added a greater number of attributes that determine the quality of each player’s action.

For example, in the past, the quality of through balls was determined only by the "Short Pass" or "Long Pass" attributes. However, in FIFA 21, the quality of through balls will now be determined by a combination of "Short/Long Pass," "Vision," and "Composure."

This change will allow us to elevate player personality to a new level, and you will be able to feel its significant impact in FIFA 21.

Personal Analysis:
The dimensions have increased, and the data has become more complex, making it harder for players to choose the right players, as it’s not entirely clear which specific attribute ultimately has the most impact. However, it depends on which abilities will work together to have a combined effect. In the end, players may still focus on a few PAC-related attributes.

This concludes the analysis of FIFA 21 player traits. I hope it helps everyone!