How to Use Super Cancel in FIFA 21: Super Cancel Controls

FIFA 21 Super Cancel Controls
Specific Operation: Press L1/LB + R1/RB + L2/LT + R2/RT simultaneously.
This action is relatively difficult to execute and allows you to cancel a player's skill moves mid-animation without causing any stiff movement.
This is considered an advanced technique. For example, during a match, if you perform a Berba Spin, the opponent will see the move and anticipate the direction the player will go after completing the spin. If you use Super Cancel halfway through the spin, you can easily break through in the original direction because the opponent has already committed to moving the other way.
Super Cancel can also cancel a player's run to receive the ball, helping to avoid offside situations.
That's all for the FIFA 21 Super Cancel controls. I hope this information is helpful to everyone!